PowerUp Activities that Teach Time and Enhance Math Skills
Now that we’re well into 2021 and maybe even settled into a new routine -- back at school or work, whether in-person or virtual -- it’s important that we build in time for quick brain breaks for students (and adults!) to be the best version of ourselves in this new year!
PowerUp Fitness offers a variety of unique fitness programs! PowerUp programs are designed to provide children with the opportunity to become more active, physically and mentally. Learn more about us and our mission to PowerUp children's development with fitness and fun in our About Section!
These Tips & Tricks feature three easy activities to re-energize and refocus. Although designed for kids, they’re great for adults too! So hop up, give them a try whether it’s desk-side, couch-side, table-side or anywhere! There’s no equipment needed and they only take a few minutes.
Easy Exercises to get bodies moving and recharge focus
Start standing with feet together, arms out front. Kick left leg up, reach left hand toward left toe. Switch legs. Kick right leg up, reach right hand toward right toe. Repeat, alternating legs for a total of 20 kicks.
Stand up straight, feet about hip-width apart. Bend left knee, bringing left heel toward bottom. Reach right hand behind your back, to touch left toe. Return to start position, then switch sides. Bring right heel toward bottom, reach left hand behind back to touch right toe. Continue switching sides, making sure your hand touches the opposite foot behind your body. Keep alternating to complete 10 on each side for a total of 20 reps!
Stand up straight, feet about hip-width apart. Bend left knee bringing knee toward chest. Reach right elbow to touch left knee. Return to starting position. Switch legs. Bring right knee toward chest, reach left elbow toward right knee. Continue switching sides, making sure your elbow touches the opposite knee. Keep alternating to complete 10 on each side for a total of 20 reps!
For more examples of activities take a look at our PowerUp bundles or request PowerUp sample lesson plans to learn more!
Get loosened up by stretching your way through the alphabet - using your bodies to make the shape of each letter. For younger kiddos work on uppercase and lowercase letters. For older students spell common challenging words: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, why not?
Download this printable pdf version of our PowerUp Brain Boost!
You can also take a look at our activity bundles or even request sample lesson plans to learn more!
For 100’s of activities, games, and exercises that can be implemented virtually or with safe distancing, check out our PowerUp programs!
PowerUp is Virtual!
Looking for virtual physical activity resources? Turn on, Tune In, and PowerUp! Check out our PowerUp Premium Virtual Classes! Only $8.99/mo for an unlimited subscription or check out our Program Access Bundles for Schools, Camps, Before & After School, PE, and more!