Whether the kids just finished a day of school, about to start one or tired after an interactive lesson, it is always important to make the transition from activity to activity engaging and fun. Stretching is a great way to keep their attention without adding to the chaos or, in the case of right after school, to gather kids’ attention before the games begin. Here are some simple stretches or low impact activities that help maintain the smiles on the kids faces.
PowerUp Fitness offers a variety of unique fitness programs! PowerUp programs are designed to provide children with the opportunity to become more active, physically and mentally. Learn more about us and our mission to PowerUp children's development with fitness and fun in our About Section!
Alphabet Stretch
Participants will stretch their way through the alphabet! Participants will use their bodies to make the shape of the letter with their bodies. Younger participants will focus more on stretching the shape of upper and lower case letters. Older participants can stretch their vocabulary words or just challenging words in general.
These two Body Cross Activities cross the midline, which science proves boosts focus and critical thinking skills!
Body Cross Behind - See it in action here: Body Cross Behind
Here is how to explain this activity
Stand up straight, feet about hip-width apart
Bend left knee, bringing left heel toward bottom
Reach right hand behind your back, to touch left toe
Have the participants return to starting position, then proceed to switch sides
Bring the right heel toward bottom
Reach left hand behind back to touch right toe
Alternate sides to complete 10 on each side for a total of 20 reps.
Body Cross Front - Check out the video here: Body Cross In-front
The directions for this activity should be carried out as a step by step instruction
Stand up straight, feet about hip-width apart
Bend left knee bringing knee toward chest
Reach right elbow to touch left knee.
After following through those steps, have them return to their regular stance and then switch sides
Bring right knee toward chest
Reach left elbow toward right knee
Continue to switch sides, making sure your elbow touches the opposite knee. Keep alternating to complete 10 on each side for a total of 20 reps!
Race in Place
Participants will run in place as fast as they can for a certain amount of time or while spelling a word, solving a math problem, etc! It can also be performed while seated in chairs.
Another way to spice up this exercise is to keep the kids on their toes and switch between the commands, slow, medium and fast. This will keep the kids waiting for the change in speeds and keep them paying attention to the instructor.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Have you ever played rock, paper, scissors? Instead of using our hands, participants will use their bodies! All participants can play against an instructor or they can partner up. If you want to play rock, you’ll get in a squat position, for scissors do a jumping jack, and for paper, get into a plank. Start with backs facing each other, count 1, 2, 3, go! Then turn around and make your move!
Rock (squat) beats scissors (jumping jack), scissors beats paper (plank), Plank (paper) beats rock (squat).

Download this printable pdf version of our PowerUp Teaching Social-Emotional Learning Skills with Physical Activity!
Did you enjoy these activities? Take a look at our activity bundles or even request sample lesson plans to learn more!
For 100’s of activities, games, and exercises that can be implemented in-person, virtually or with safe distancing, check out our PowerUp programs!
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PowerUp Fitness is an Advocate Member of the National Afterschool Association and a proud partner of Active Schools.
