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tips & tricks

Active Minds, Active Bodies: Games that Teach & Move
Where physical activity aligns with academics -- try these two fun games that teach math and spelling!

Move, Learn, Win: Afterschool Games that Boost Brains and Bodies
Math Relays and Teamwork Word Games - Try these two active academic fitness games that make learning fun!

Fun & Focused: Four Afterschool Transition Time Activities
In the classroom, afterschool program, or PE, these transition time activities help students re-focus and have fun!

Back-to-School & The Benefits of Physical Activity
Try this fun game and learn about the academic benefits of physical activity: In today's world, it's more important than ever for kids to...

Fit to Communicate: How Fitness Games Help Kids Build Confidence and Social-Emotional Skills
Two fun fitness games that help kids build communication skills and confidence. Fun skill-building games for afterschool, PE, and youth org

Leaping for Literacy - Fun Fitness Games that Encourage Reading
Here's a fun fitness game that aligns literacy skills and ELA academic standards to movement, physical activity, and physical education.

Zen Zone
Even just five minutes of these Zen Zone activities can help students refocus and reconnect with learning in this new year.

State Jumps
Mizzen by Mott Resource Sheets for PowerUp Geography - State Jumps

PowerUp Any Space, Any Place
Stuck inside? PowerUp any space, any place with these three movement and learning games.

Active Play and ELA
Learning through games and play is not a new concept, but learning through movement? Here's a fun literacy game!

Games are an easy way to get kids excited to learn while reinforcing both academic skills and social/ life skills. By connecting academic...

PowerUp Spelling this Spring!
Spelling is a vital source of communication for students! This month’s learning activities help students develop their spelling abilities.

PowerUp Brain Boost: Easy Exercises to Get Bodies Moving and Recharge Focus
These Tips & Tricks feature three easy activities to re-energize and refocus. Although designed for kids, they’re great for adults too!

Seven Ways to Combine Reading Skills and Fitness
Movement and learning go hand in hand. Here are seven fun ways to combine reading and fitness for both Elementary and Middle school kids!
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